Powers such that the interval to the previous power contains exactly two primes.
8, 32, 343, 529, 1369, 2209, 3375, 4913, 140625, 175616, 6436369, 14348944, 143384152921
No other terms less than 10^16. Is this sequence finite?
T. D. Noe, Plot of 13 terms
(Mma) PrimeCountQ[n1_, n2_, k_] := Module[{n = n1 + 1, cnt = 0}, While[n < n2 && cnt < k + 1, If[PrimeQ[n], cnt++]; n++]; cnt == k && n == n2]; nn = 10^12; lim = Log[2, nn]; ps = Select[Range[lim], PrimeQ]; t = Table[Table[{i^n, n}, {i, 2, nn^(1/n)}], {n, ps}]; t = Sort[Flatten[t, 1]]; lst = {}; Do[If[t[[n, 2]] > 2 || t[[n + 1, 2]] > 2, If[PrimeCountQ[t[[n, 1]], t[[n + 1, 1]], 2], AppendTo[lst, {t[[n, 1]], t[[n + 1, 1]]}]]], {n, Length[t] - 1}]; Last /@ lst
Cf. A116086, A116455 (similar, but no primes), A178700 (single primes between powers).
Cf. S000142-S000151 (power intervals containing 1 to 5 primes)
T. D. Noe, Jul 17 2014