
Last i for which the difference of the Riemann zeros r(i+1) - r(i) > (7 - n)*I.

1, 3, 14, 183, 46589



That is, r(2) - r(1) > 6*I, r(4) - r(3) > 5*I, r(15) - r(14) > 4*I, r(184) - r(183) > 3*I, and r(46590) - r(46589) > 2*I. Using data from Odlyzko, it appears that the sixth term is less than 10^12.

T. D. Noe, Plot of 5 terms

Andrew Odlyzko, Tables of zeros of the Riemann zeta function

Eric W. Weisstein, MathWorld: Riemann Zeta Function Zeros

Cf. A153595.


T. D. Noe, Mar 17 2015

© Tony D Noe 2014-2015