
Least lower twin prime p such the the sum of the distances to adjacent primes is a new record.

3, 5, 11, 29, 137, 419, 521, 1151, 1931, 1949, 6449, 10007, 28349, 35729, 48731, 85931, 107507, 173429, 838247, 1349531, 3593201, 29187407, 53231051, 70396589, 83528411, 191186249, 555142307, 1301756411



That is, we sum the distances of p to the next lower prime and p+2 to the next higher prime.

T. D. Noe, Plot of 28 terms

Eric W. Weisstein, MathWorld: Twin Primes

(Mma) tp = Reap[Do[p = Prime[i]; If[PrimeQ[p + 2], Sow[p]], {i, PrimePi[2000000]}]][[2, 1]]; t = {{3, 3, 1, 2}}; Do[s = {tp[[n]] - Prime[PrimePi[tp[[n]]] - 1], Prime[PrimePi[tp[[n]] + 2] + 1] - tp[[n]] - 2}; If[s[[1]] + s[[2]] > t[[-1, 2]], AppendTo[t, {tp[[n]], s[[1]] + s[[2]], s[[1]], s[[2]]}]], {n, Length[tp]}]; Transpose[t][[1]]

Cf. S000756, S000759-S000761.


T. D. Noe, Nov 26 2015

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