
For each odd prime p, the p least-multiples of p whose prime factors are in arithmetic progression.

3, 15, 105, 5, 35, 935, 21505, 623645, 7, 77, 1729, 177289, 213771607, 33562142299,64260503729605393, 11, 143, 4301, 124729, 423669851, 152542130346128080167261679026481804404220365051, 210818566907450764456549404404027652893181991921



As is evident in the plot, these terms grow very rapidly. The terms for p=13 are incomplete because the numbers are so large; the program ran for over a week to attempt to find the next term. The common difference of the prime factors in given in S001076. An important question is whether such a sequence exists for primes beginning with a given prime p.

T. D. Noe, Plot of 37 terms

T. D. Noe, Table of 37 terms

Example: 623645 = 5 * 11 * 17 * 23 * 29 is the least number whose 5 prime factors begin with 5 and increase linearly.

Wikipedia, Primes in arithmetic progression

(Mma) nn = 4; t = {}; Do[p = Prime[n]; s = {p}; k = 0; While[Length[s] < p, k = k + 2; p2 = p; prod = p; cnt = 1; While[p2 = p2 + k; PrimeQ[p2], cnt++; prod = prod*p2; If[cnt > Length[s], AppendTo[s, prod]]]]; AppendTo[t, s], {n, 2, nn}]; t

Cf. S001076.


T. D. Noe, Nov 01 2017

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